I'm continually amazed and disappointed to hear so much "build in" excuses for human shortcomings. In speaking with my dad the last years of his life--he didn't buy into any of it. When teenage thugs were called "troubled youth" he would say they weren't troubled at all, but that they knew exactly what they were doing, and in fact, enjoyed creating trouble and danger for others. Instead of buying into the idea that mass murderers were assumed to be "insane", he put forth the plain fact that evil exists in the world. No doubt much of his perpective was formed during his time in war fighting for American's freedom and witnessing the face of evil first hand. He also would say that evil was indiscreminate. It came in many forms regardless of your background.
He believed the family culture and long time traditions gave a much more positive influence than new government solutions--if fact, he didn't like the government being too much in his business at all. He didn't like us being in NATO and supporting other countries that didn't support, or even like us. (No names...let's just say he never liked the word "French" fries.)
He held to the old fashion idea of sexual absentance, and never believed sex education would work. And he sure didn't go along with National disarmament. Probably because he saw both Britian and America neglect their military forces between the two World Wars, while Germany and Japan were arming to the teeth. Many British and American soldiers paid with their lives for their counties' initially inadequate military equipment in World War II.
Smart man.
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